
Are you between the ages of 16 and 30?
Within the past two years, have you started to:
– Hear voices of see things that others don’t?
– Have trouble keeping your thoughts in order?
– Feel that other people are against you or want to harm you?
– Have ideas that others find unbelievable, strange, or bizarre?
Do you live in one of these counties: Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Schenectady, Warren, Washington, or Columbia?
If you answered yes to some or all of these questions...
We may be able to help!
Contact us today!
518.407.1130 ext. 1774
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Nothern Rivers' member agency Parsons Child & Family Center has partnered with the Center for Practice Innovations at Columbia University and the NYS Office of Mental Health to bring the innovative treatment program OnTrackNY to the Greater Capital Region.
OnTrackNY supports young people who have recently began experiencing symptoms of psychosis and helps them return to living the life that is most aligned with their desired goals as quickly as possible. OnTrackNY collaboratively works with young people in achieving their education and/or employment goals, maintain healthy relationships, and improve life satisfaction. OnTrackNY strongly believes that recovery with psychosis is possible.
This multidisciplinary team includes:
- Two licensed clinicians who provide direct clinical and support services, social skills training, substance abuse treatment, suicide prevention, recovery coaching, community outreach and recruitment, and support and education to families
- A psychiatrist and registered nurse who will collaborate with individuals regarding the choice to take medication and overall wellness practices
- A supported education and employment specialist focused on helping individuals attain education and/or employment goals
To see the program in action, meet the team, and learn how we can support you, watch this video featuring one of our real OnTrackNY clients.
Click here to visit OnTrackNY's website to learn more.