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Albany 60 Academy Road BHCC web page graphicStopera Family Center for Behavioral Health

 “Dream, and dream big — that is how you move mountains and make miracles happen and change the future.”   — Paula Stopera

Situated on Northern Rivers’ historic Academy Road Campus at 58 Academy Road in Albany, the Stopera Family Center for Behavioral Health serves families whose children have complex behavioral health needs or who experience a mental health crisis by bringing a number of mental health services together under one roof. The Stopera family has long held a passion for not only spreading awareness of mental health resources but for ensuring that families in need know where to turn when they need help. 

This 12,600-sq.-ft. one-story state-of-the-art integrated facility is intended to serve as a beacon for those in crisis, as a place where families can find help and hope, and as the basis of support for future success. Here our youth have a modern place to live, learn, heal, and grow with the support of an interdisciplinary team of clinical, therapeutic, childcare, medical, education, and support professionals while preserving their connections with the local community.

The Stopera Family Center includes:

  • Neil Hellman Day Treatment Program The Neil Hellman Day Treatment program provides integrated yearround clinical and educational program for Neil Hellman School students in grades 1 through 12 who live within 50 miles of our Academy Road Campus, helping students and families address social, emotional, psychological, psychiatric, and educational needs. Click here for more information.

  • North Star North Star short-term overnight crisis services provide help for youth ages 12–17 experiencing a period of acute stress, mental health issues, or a psychiatric crisis that requires a 24/7 staff-secured nonhospital setting. Our primary goal is to stabilize a crisis situation to prevent the unnecessary use of a hospital emergency room or a hospital admission. As a youth’s crisis stabilizes, the program develops a plan of care to address underlying difficulties that led to the crisis, including making referrals for needed treatment supports and services for both the youth and the family. Click here for more information.

  • Residential Treatment Facility The Residential Treatment Facility (RTF) is an intensive residential treatment option licensed by the OMH and serves youth ages 12–18 who have exhibited mental health symptoms with a pattern of psychiatric interventions and hospitalizations. Located on Northern Rivers’ Academy Road campus in Albany in a state-of-the-art facility, this program provides youth with high family engagement and individual and/or family treatment, focusing on return to home and community. Entry to this program is through the family’s local Single Point of Access Committee. Click here for more information.