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prof develop web slider 2022 07

Never stop learning. Whether you’re in the human services field, education, medicine, finance, public service, or anything else, you need to know what’s new, what’s changing, and what else can help you be the best you can be—whatever your profession. That’s why professional development is right for everyone, and that’s why we believe so strongly in our Sidney Albert Training and Research Institute (SATRI).

Understanding what trauma is and how it affects people can help an IT worker work more effectively with the students in a school. Learning about the unique challenges facing LGBTQIA+ individuals in the workplace can make an HR director more able to support their workforce. Participating in a group training in implicit bias training can help first responders connect more effectively with those they help. And learning about the latest research into understanding suicidal behavior can help everyone be more prepared to help save a life.

Once you’ve decided to expand your knowledge and understanding as a professional in any field or as an administrator, where do you turn? You turn to SATRI! Our interdisciplinary team of experienced trainers can provide engaging, impactful trainings that meet your needs—whether they’re covered by something we have in our catalogue, or if you’d like to work with us to build a customized training solution. At our facility, on your site, or virtually, or even if you’re just looking for help with conference logistics, SATRI works with you so you can work better.

Ready to learn? Visit the SATRI homepage or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to get started!