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Tabetha Zostant, BS– Tabethastarted her career as a child care worker in a youth shelter. She joined Parsons Child &Family Center in 2008 and worked with SATRI in a number of roles within both member agencies, Northeast Parent & Child Society and Parsons, to provide services to children and Families.

In 2014, Tabetha took a job with New York State Professional Development Program delivering training on the CONNECTIONS Case Management System, casework practice, and other related subjects relevant to child welfare personnel in local Departments of Social Services and voluntary agencies.  In 2016 Tabetha rejoined the SATRI team as the training manager.  She is a certified trainer in the following curriculum:  Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST), Safe talk, Attachment, Self-Regulation and Competency (ARC), Handle with Care Therapeutic response, Therapeutic crisis intervention, NCTSN’s Caring for Children who have Experienced Trauma, and Real Life HEROES.

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Northern Rivers will provide language assistance services, free of charge, when necessary to provide meaningful access to those whose primary language is not English. Contact Quality Management at 518.426.2600.
Si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística.  Llame Quality Management at 518.426.2600.
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